Today saw the new launch of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP).
To deliver apprenticeships in England, you have to be on this register and the launch gives new providers the opportunity to apply to be on it.
Invitations for organisations to re-join will then come at various stages during the New Year.
The RoATP is a license to practise and deliver apprenticeship programmes and is designed to streamline the process. If you are not on it, you can’t deliver apprenticeships. It’s as simple as that.
Getting on the register is about knowing the right processes and putting them in place as well as understanding your own business and the employers you work with.
It can be a complicated process and it is all about making sure that you understand what it is you are trying to do, getting all of the right information and pulling it all together.
It has been over two years since the RoATP was first launched and there has been a number of challenges since then and a lot of lessons learned about what has worked – and what has not.
Scrutiny of providers
For example, around a third of organisations who were on the register (32%), had not done any apprenticeship training at all and so the ESFA (Educations and Skills Funding Agency) have had to do some housekeeping.
This time, there will be a greater scrutiny of providers who get onto the list and anyone who doesn’t offer any training for 12 months will be removed.
Further changes mean that providers who deliver less than £100,000 worth of apprenticeship activity will now need to be on the register to exercise the right to offer apprenticeship training.
SCLO can help any company or organisation that is looking to join - or rejoin – the RoATP make sure that they are in a good position to be able to do so.
In partnership with AELP, SCLO are running subject-related workshop sessions on 13th December, 10th and 15th January, please visit this booking page for additional information.
If you have any further queries, please get in contact.