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  • Writer's pictureSteve O'Hare

Why collaboration could be crucial to your business

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

Building relationships and working with the right organisations is hugely important in the tendering business.

Within the market place, there is always a lot of provision and a lot of activity. So, whether you are in a training environment or another type of business, collaboration is crucial.

A woman and a man discuss business ideas

Building on those relationships not only helps you grow your market but also your market presence. Crucially, that could allow you to make progress with things you may not be able to do yourself.

That could be somebody to help you deliver a product or service, be part of your delivery network, or even giving you the chance to be part of a team to grow provision and take things forward, enabling you to take different skills to the market.

Engage with customers

Within SCLO, collaboration is hugely important and one of the things that I like doing is supporting customers and helping them engage with other customers. I have seen the benefits it can provide myself.

It enables clients or business partners to have a broader network of people to work with. It means they can also call on different skills and activities across the market to benefit their own position.

* Join my three-hour session in Birmingham on October 31 aimed at helping those who are seeking to win contracts through the DWP's Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). It's run in conjunction with ERSA and is called Get To Grips: A DWP DPS Master-class. Book your place by clicking here to find out more.

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